Terri Simon
Winter Storm
I stare out the window
at the whirling snow
and lengthening icicles.
I know, in every pore,
that I watch my blood flow,
my bones grow.
And I know,
from toenail to hair root,
that the body I view
will melt long before my own.
I listen to the blizzard's wind-whipped words
and its knock upon the pane,
requesting entrance.
Even though I recognize a kindred spirit,
I do not reach for the glass.
Terri Simon lives in Laurel, Maryland with her husband and dogs. She has eclectic interests, ranging from computers to spirituality. Her work has appeared in “Black Mirror Magazine,” “Jellyfish Whispers”, “Mused,” “Rat’s Ass Review,” and others, as well as the anthologies “A Mantle of Stars: A Queen of Heaven Devotional,” “Secrets and Dreams,” and “Switch (The Difference).” She received honorable mention in Kind of a Hurricane Press’ Editor’s Choice for 2015.
Winter Storm
I stare out the window
at the whirling snow
and lengthening icicles.
I know, in every pore,
that I watch my blood flow,
my bones grow.
And I know,
from toenail to hair root,
that the body I view
will melt long before my own.
I listen to the blizzard's wind-whipped words
and its knock upon the pane,
requesting entrance.
Even though I recognize a kindred spirit,
I do not reach for the glass.
Terri Simon lives in Laurel, Maryland with her husband and dogs. She has eclectic interests, ranging from computers to spirituality. Her work has appeared in “Black Mirror Magazine,” “Jellyfish Whispers”, “Mused,” “Rat’s Ass Review,” and others, as well as the anthologies “A Mantle of Stars: A Queen of Heaven Devotional,” “Secrets and Dreams,” and “Switch (The Difference).” She received honorable mention in Kind of a Hurricane Press’ Editor’s Choice for 2015.