Theric Jepson
Today, as we lie in bed, it rains
“If I ever get over the bodies of women, I am going to think of the rain”
from “Rain on Tin” by Rodney Jones
Double-panes keep out the cold but also the noise
and so we left them cracked last night as we listened
to thunder and worshipped each other. Now the sun
has lightened the sky but water still patters
across the pavement, chasing rills down kids’ bikes
to anoint the next generation of dandelions
while whispering hey hey hey I’m a beautiful world--
I too merit your attention—and so, in symbolic
agreement, we kiss. And heaven’s orchestra swells
with a sudden burst across the roof. Then it’s over,
and a single drop of water forms along the screen and
passes inside, sliding down the paint to the oaken floor.
Theric Jepson's poetry has most recently been published in Wine Cellar Press, Bristlecone Firesides, Briefly Write, and Freshwater. His novel Just Julie's Fine is forthcoming from BCC Press, who does not mind that he has not had a haircut in over ten months. No ravens live on his block so he has been forced to befriend the crows.
“If I ever get over the bodies of women, I am going to think of the rain”
from “Rain on Tin” by Rodney Jones
Double-panes keep out the cold but also the noise
and so we left them cracked last night as we listened
to thunder and worshipped each other. Now the sun
has lightened the sky but water still patters
across the pavement, chasing rills down kids’ bikes
to anoint the next generation of dandelions
while whispering hey hey hey I’m a beautiful world--
I too merit your attention—and so, in symbolic
agreement, we kiss. And heaven’s orchestra swells
with a sudden burst across the roof. Then it’s over,
and a single drop of water forms along the screen and
passes inside, sliding down the paint to the oaken floor.
Theric Jepson's poetry has most recently been published in Wine Cellar Press, Bristlecone Firesides, Briefly Write, and Freshwater. His novel Just Julie's Fine is forthcoming from BCC Press, who does not mind that he has not had a haircut in over ten months. No ravens live on his block so he has been forced to befriend the crows.