Emily Bilman
You are the youth of the sun,
That fiery disc of abundance, yet,
Mutating, you turn away from Time,
Kouros, constantly seeking a second youth.
Too much was expected from
Your strong legs, your long neck,
Your ample curly hair. Your statues were
Offered as trophies to athletes in marathons.
Like the north star, your gait points
To an ever-lasting youth, yet, ever
Changing, you steer away from pain,
Constantly seeking eternal youth, Kouros
You’re reluctant to burn your wings,
Flying close to the sun, unlike Icarus.
Dr. Emily Bilman is London’s Poetry Society Stanza representative and hosts poetry meetings and seminars in her home in Geneva. Her poetry book in French is entitled La rivière de soi, came out. Poems are published in The London Magazine, Hunger Mountain, Offshoots VII & XII, Orbis, Poetry Salzburg Review, Iodine, and The San Diego Annual 2014, Aois 21 Annual in America and The Inspired Heart Vols. 1 & 2, & 3, and Ygdrasil in Canada. Two academic books, The Psychodynamics of Poetry and Modern Ekphrasis were published in 2010 and 2013. Her most recent poetry books are A Woman By A Well and Resilience. The reviews can be read on the Troubador/Matador UK website and on http://www.mciwritershouse.com/emily-bilman.html
You are the youth of the sun,
That fiery disc of abundance, yet,
Mutating, you turn away from Time,
Kouros, constantly seeking a second youth.
Too much was expected from
Your strong legs, your long neck,
Your ample curly hair. Your statues were
Offered as trophies to athletes in marathons.
Like the north star, your gait points
To an ever-lasting youth, yet, ever
Changing, you steer away from pain,
Constantly seeking eternal youth, Kouros
You’re reluctant to burn your wings,
Flying close to the sun, unlike Icarus.
Dr. Emily Bilman is London’s Poetry Society Stanza representative and hosts poetry meetings and seminars in her home in Geneva. Her poetry book in French is entitled La rivière de soi, came out. Poems are published in The London Magazine, Hunger Mountain, Offshoots VII & XII, Orbis, Poetry Salzburg Review, Iodine, and The San Diego Annual 2014, Aois 21 Annual in America and The Inspired Heart Vols. 1 & 2, & 3, and Ygdrasil in Canada. Two academic books, The Psychodynamics of Poetry and Modern Ekphrasis were published in 2010 and 2013. Her most recent poetry books are A Woman By A Well and Resilience. The reviews can be read on the Troubador/Matador UK website and on http://www.mciwritershouse.com/emily-bilman.html