Mark J. Mitchell
Ephemeral Gag
She’d held a soap
bubble gently
between her white teeth
since sun-up--
always careful not
to pierce its
rainbowed surface
she hadn’t said
one single
dirty word
all day.
Ephemeral Gag
She’d held a soap
bubble gently
between her white teeth
since sun-up--
always careful not
to pierce its
rainbowed surface
she hadn’t said
one single
dirty word
all day.
Mark J. Mitchell was born in Chicago and grew up in southern California. His latest poetry collection, Starting from Tu Fu was published by Encircle Publications in November 2019. He is very fond of baseball, Miles Davis, Kafka, and Dante. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, the activist and documentarian, Joan Juster, where he makes his meager living pointing out pretty things. He has published 2 novels and three chapbooks and two full length collections so far. Titles on request.
A meager online presence can be found at
A meager online presence can be found at