Marie-Elizabeth Mali
No Such Thing as Away
My ex-husband remarried within a year. * For him love meant trust-falling backwards into his beloved’s arms. For me it meant leaping hand-in hand face-forward off a cliff into the sea. I kept dropping him, thinking he wanted to swim. He kept breaking my leap, thinking I wanted to be caught. * Some days the skins I’ve shed call to me from the darkness where they writhe like dug-up worms. No such thing as away on this circled earth. * "Why love what you will lose? There is nothing else to love." * I am tumbled sea-glass. I am a footprint at the water’s edge. I am the erasing wave. I am a collage of broken shells. I am dunes in a high wind. I am the wind. * Born with a half-rolled map for skin and a museum for a heart, I thought I got to the end, but found a door and kept going. Each wall, a window with a broken lock. * My heart is made of water. My heart dances to salsa by itself. My heart curls like a book left out in the rain. My heart lies on the bridge at night to watch the stars. My heart forgets to make the bed. My heart built its nest on a cracked branch. * Standing in the water, toes wedged between rocks, body swaying, I cry. My paltry contribution of salt. I swim under the full moon at high tide, clatter of beach stones rolled by waves. * Some days my mind is like a gull hanging onto a sandwich too big to swallow, beak clamped on the monstrous bite as it runs from other gulls so as not to share. * Maybe we make our own luck. * My mouth is an empty birdcage, a tunnel of hunger. My mouth does its own dirty work. My mouth has a hard time wrapping itself around No. My mouth is a repository for memory. My mouth can take down your mouth. It makes its own weather. My mouth is a cave of joy. *Couplet from the poem "From the Japanese" by Louise Gluck. As a Relationship Alchemist and TEDx Speaker, Marie-Elizabeth Mali shows individuals and couples how to deepen love and connection in their relationships. Drawing on her Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine and over 20 years of client work, she teaches people how to be authentic instead of shrinking themselves to fit in. She also has an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College and is the author of one book of poetry, Steady, My Gaze (Tebot Bach, 2011) and co-editor with Annie Finch of the anthology, Villanelles (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets, 2012). Her relationship work has been featured in Thrive Global, SWAAY, and Forbes and her poems have appeared in Poet Lore, RATTLE, and Tiferet. |