Ann M Lawrence
Am I a Woman
Power tools in the dining room, knitting needles in the bedroom. Did my voice catch when I responded to your insult, what kind of woman am I? Did I threaten your femininity with the calluses on my hands and chipped polish on my finger nails? I was not threatened by your immaculate home, perfect parenting, polished children. The thin coating of sawdust on my skin and wood chips in my hair does not diminish your powdered cheeks or your smooth curls. Ann M Lawrence is a graduate of Knox College with a bachelor’s in creative writing and a master’s in school counseling. She lives in her hometown of Homewood, Illinois, with her husband and son. She has been previously published in Catch, The Poet, Caustic Frolic, and Tigershark magazines. She is very interested in objects and what we decide to leave behind and what holds meaning for us. |