Karla Linn Merrifield
In My Element
I am Quicksilver my poetic persona nom de plume alias I am mercurial Virgo of ruling planet Mercury body now in retrograde solar system amiss I am oft disguised in cinnabar throughout this world known to Hatshepsut ancient Egypt’s great queen I am Element 80, née hydragyrum from the Greek hydra/water argros/silver I am oft labeled Hg in your iambs rhyming my rhombohedral crystals ever your heavy metallic liquid muse I am here in my native element for you line’s atomic weight stanza the atomic radius of my stanza poem’s primordial classified occurrence ∴ Quicksilver Karla Linn Merrifield has sixteen books to her credit. Hernewest My Body the Guitar, recently nominated for the 2022 National Book Award, was published by Before Your Quiet Eyes Publications Holograph Series. She is frequent contributor to The Songs of Eretz Poetry Review.
Website: https://www.karlalinnmerrifield.org/; blog at https://karlalinnmerrifeld.wordpress.com/; Tweet @LinnMerrifiel; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karlalinn.merrifield. |