Anne Whitehouse
Meditation at North Beach Park, Burlington
Thickly wooded Juniper Island rises from the lake within swimming distance from shore. The sloping peaks of the Adirondacks, misty blue and far off in the distance, belong to heaven and not to earth. From the beach I watch a storm gather from the mountains, then sweep over the lake. Whitecaps form on the surface. It is like the sea, and it is not like the sea. Rain falls in large drops propelled by a breeze, and a canopy on aluminum poles topples on the beach, somersaulting erratically. Under a shelter, students and faculty gather at an impromptu party celebrating recent graduates. I eat strawberry-rhubarb pie and think of the mountains, eons old. When they were formed, fault lines pushed yellow dolostone above the dark shale, the older stone above the younger. Now I am older, I want to impart history. Shivering children in wet bathing suits wrap themselves in towels. Sometimes the young listen politely and sometimes impatiently, propelled towards lives that haven’t happened yet. I feel my hold on life growing tenuous, like those islands farther off-- the Four Brothers—like steppingstones appearing to float in the blue without moving at all. Steady There are ways of being steady-- unmoving, like a rock, or in an even motion, like metronome or clock. Practicing balance, like a tree rooted and branching. With intention, I found my place and held it, trembling. Another form of steadiness is simply not to fall. Be ready to flee or stay. Change happens to us all. |
The publication of “After the Apocalypse” in Issue 3 was Anne Whitehouse’s first appearance in Young Ravens Literary Review. She is pleased to have her poems published in Issue 19. She is the author of six poetry collections and six poetry chapbooks, mostly recently Being Ruth Asawa (Ethel Zine and Micro Press, 2023), as well as a novel, Fall Love. Her poem, “Lady Bird,” won the Nathan Perry DAR Chapter's 2023 "Honor American History" poetry contest and the National Federation of State Poetry Society’s Power of Women Award.