Judy DeCroce
So life is a poem
that speaks less-wants less.
I leave much out,
with every chance
letting go fast.
Just a few traces different…
words pressed to the traffic around.
Truth holds some pleasure,
a surprise held for a moment.
That happens…
if you see,
if you don’t.
So life is a poem
that speaks less-wants less.
I leave much out,
with every chance
letting go fast.
Just a few traces different…
words pressed to the traffic around.
Truth holds some pleasure,
a surprise held for a moment.
That happens…
if you see,
if you don’t.
Judy DeCroce, a former educator, is a poet/flash fiction writer and avid reader. Her works have been published by Plato's Cave online, Pilcrow & Dagger, Amethyst Review, Tigershark Publishing, and many others. As a professional storyteller and teacher of that genre, she also offers, workshops in flash fiction. Judy lives and works in upstate New York with her husband writer/artist Antoni Ooto.