Jannett Highfill
The Easiest Day
There’s a song in every silence Hymn of Promise There are times, old love, when I navigate the field of your attention as naturally as breathing on my easiest day. Even when every breath is a chore and rasping accomplishment there are days together when ours almost harmonize. Waiting for the anesthesia, if I find myself singing (those Protestant hymns that for you are still as exotic as sandalwood and for me as common as cigarette smoke) singing it would be only to pass the time. |
Jannett Highfill is a Great Plains poet living in Kansas. Her poems have appeared in Rhino, Common Ground Review, The Iowa Review, and The Greensboro Review, and elsewhere. She has three chapbooks, Light Blessings Drifting Together, Finishing Line Press, A Constitution of Silence, Green Fuse Poetic Arts, and Brown Restless Green, Finishing Line Press. She is coauthor of A Tempered and Humane Economy: Markets, Families, and Behavioral Economics from Lexington Books.