Interview with Natalie Shea
1. How does visual art also convey a sense of sound and melody?
Visual art is sound and melody for the eyes. It speaks to us just like sound and melody does. Visual art can include rhythm, repetition, balance, and unity; many of the same principles and elements we find in music.
2. What was one of the earliest significant sounds that you can remember in your life, and how did it affect you? (For example, the sound of an ice cream truck, or a thunderstorm, etc.)
I am from the Deep South and the sounds I hear at night soothe me. I live where it is very rural and the woods come to life at dark with sounds of cicadas, crickets, bull frogs, owls, and an occasional whip-poor-will.
3. If you could only choose one song to record and save for the future, what would it be and why?
I could never pick just one song to save for the future because different songs speak to me in different ways. I am a fan of many genres from classical to alternative rock and there are too many great songs to be able to narrow down to just one. I’m amazed by the ability of music to invoke emotion.
Natalie Shea is an artist and writer from Georgia.